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Optimal foliar fertilisation for stone fruit

Effective fertilisation in fruit growing

Foliar fertilisation in stone fruit cultivation ensures an effective and rapid supply of nutrients, resulting in vital crops and high fruit quality. Extreme weather conditions and insufficient water supply often lead to nutrient deficiencies, which have a negative impact on fruit quality and tree performance. Lebosol® foliar fertiliser offers a solution by compensating for both visible and latent nutrient deficiencies, such as manganese, iron and magnesium deficiencies. The needs-based supply of main, secondary and trace elements improves nutrient uptake and the storage stability of the fruit.

Even if the soil is optimally supplied, high or low pH values, drought and other factors can limit the availability of nutrients. Especially in stone fruit cultivation, nitrogen plays a decisive role for high yields, potassium and phosphorus for fruit quality and a balanced potassium-calcium ratio

Amino acids for optimum fruit set

Improving the quality of flower buds with Aminosol®

The application of amino acids is crucial for fruit set and flower bud quality. Repeated use of Aminosol® from flowering onwards promotes fruit set and growth and reduces reddening. In addition, Aminosol® reduces leaf and fruit symptoms caused by sharka in plums. It can be used from full bloom or after the harvest to prepare for the coming season and is also suitable for organic cultivation.

Protection against frost damage in stone fruit cultivation

Increasing frost tolerance with targeted nutrient supply

Improved plant vigour, especially during flowering, can prevent frost damage. Boron plays a key role in flower quality, fruit set and frost tolerance, as it supports calcium uptake. Potassium strengthens resistance to drought and frost.

We recommend the application of 1 - 2 times 2 l/ha Aminosol® + 2 l/ha Lebosol®-Robustus SC + 5 l/ha Lebosol®-Potassium 450 to optimally supply and strengthen the plants.

Our crop flyer on stone fruit

This practical flyer contains all the important information on optimal foliar fertilisation in stone fruit, such as the spraying schedule, the importance of the elements and product recommendations. Take a look here:


Avoid bursting cherries

Minimise yield loss and risk of infection

The bursting of cherries shortly before harvest leads to considerable yield losses and increases the risk of fungal infections. This is often caused by rainfall after long periods of drought, which causes increased water absorption and therefore increased pressure on the fruit skin. As the cell division of the fruit skin is complete after recolouring, it only expands and tears if the pressure is too high. For more stability and elasticity of the fruit skin, we recommend 2 - 3 applications from full bloom with 5 litres/ha Phytoamin® + 0.75 litres/ha Lebosol®-Silicon.

Silicon, although not essential, regulates the water balance, strengthens stress tolerance and improves the storage and transportability of the fruit. As stabilised orthosilicic acid in Lebosol®-Silicon, it is optimally absorbed via the leaf.

Increase fruit firmness and shelf life

Improving fruit quality with Lebosol®-Calcium-Forte SC

Low calcium levels in fruit lead to poor quality and reduced flesh firmness. Treatments with Lebosol®-Calcium-Forte SC (with calcium formate, a particularly well-tolerated source of calcium) increase the calcium content and improve the firmness and shelf life of the fruit. The trees are also supplied with manganese and zinc. Recommended application: 2 - 3 applications 6 l/ha Lebosol®-Calcium-Forte SC.

Iron chlorosis in stone fruit

Lebosol®-HeptaIron for healthy trees and lush fruit

Cherries in particular are prone to iron chlorosis. Iron deficiency is characterised by yellowing of the youngest leaves with dark veins. In addition to cultivation measures (soil structure, water balance, greening, pH value, etc.) and the application of iron fertilisers to the soil at the start of vegetation, it is also possible to improve the iron supply via the leaves. Early and regular foliar fertilisation with Lebosol®-HeptaIron can help here.

Recommended application: Several applications with 3 - 7 l/ha Lebosol®-HeptaIron.

Post-harvest treatments in stone fruit

How do you support the regeneration of trees with foliar fertilisation?

Boron and zinc are essential for flowering and fruit set as well as initial development and leaf quality. These nutrients must be available before flowering, although no soil uptake takes place during this period. As foliar fertilisation before flowering is not possible for stone fruit due to a lack of leaf mass, post-harvest treatment with Lebosol®-Robustus SC and Lebosol®-Zinc 700 SC is recommended.

Recommended application: 2 times 1 litre/ha Lebosol®-Zinc 700 SC + 2 litres/ha Lebosol®-Robustus SC. Both fertilisers are FiBL-listed and therefore suitable for organic cultivation.

Questions about foliar fertilisation in stone fruit?

Do you have a problem with stone fruit cultivation or questions about using our products? We will be happy to advise you.

These products from Lebosol® are particularly popular in stone fruit: